Sunday, May 1, 2011

Oprah update 5/1/11

I just got off the phone with them. So far what I know is this. We will fly to Chicago early Wednesday. A driver will pick us up and take us to our hotel where we will receive food and drink vouchers for our time there. He said we wouldn't need any money other than things we wanted to buy. Thursday we will both go to the studio and they will take footage of the consult and of me saying goodbye and start her makeover. Whatever they have planned will take the entire day and the next morning. I guess at that point they kick me out the door. I am OK with that because that gives me the day to wander around Chicago (OK Mark, where do I go?). Then I will be moved to a different hotel so I don't see her. Friday a driver will take me to the studio where there will be, "food, hair and makeup". Then the show will be taped, I will be in the front row and..."Oprah will probably ask me a question". Hmmm....I hope I don't suddenly have Tourette Syndrome and yell out something horrible. Frankly, it wouldn't surprise me if I did something like that! He said not to wear a lot of white or patterns and try to stick with bright solid colors. He was going to call and talk to Kara next. Man I wish I could hear it. It finally started to really soak in and she is freaking out a bit. I know how she feels because I am a few days ahead of her. I feel sorry for her because I haven't slept well and have literally been holding my breath since Wednesday. She has a lot of work to get done today so I pray she can find the peace to accomplish it. I want her to be able to really let go, have fun and soak it all in. I want her to be nervous excited but not scared and sick.